Thursday, 4 October 2007

class task on being a journalist

After looking at the website that we were given it showed that the Russian Billionaire
Nisher Usmanov who was trying to buy ARSENAL FC.Then there was letters from lawyers, This then led to a conflict of comments which led to Tim Ireland closing down Bloggrerhead site. but there was other sites that had now vanished becaues of tim pulling the plug like labours Bob Piper and the Conservitive MP Boris Johnson even though they had not even offended the Russian billionaire. in my opinion Tim Irland had offended the billionair anf took it out on people who had the right to comment on what tim had put in his blog and when he was caught out he basically closed down all the sites that he had. SO WHATEVER HAPPENED TO THE RIGHT OF FREEDOM OF SPEECH ? ?

The right was taken away when tin irland decided to insult the Russian Billionare and the following peiece on script taken from another web page which i feel that could not be put any better so this is the script as follows :- Newspapers are not shut down if they face libel allegations, (not in the UK anyway) there is a legal process that is followed. Surely that process applies to bloggers too. If the offending comments were not libellous - and only a court can decide this - then Mr Usmanov’s actions could be deemed illegal. He would have to pay damages. There are all sorts of legal ramifications involved with this story.

as for the other site we had to look at i could not find it on the

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